A nation does not become a nation without its people
having a passion for nationhood. The founding fathers of any nation had that
spice for nationhood inscribed in them by the historical precedents they lived
in. Every nation had an oppressive history from which its people wanted to be
free. This freedom came at a cost of bloodshed and lives lost in most cases for
the colonizer wouldn't give up their prize cow without a fight in most cases
for they owned their prize cow for centuries. They invested in it in
selfishness or not in its social institutions and its economics. But when times
changed and the world clamored for this change whose time had come, the
tipping point makes for these communal transitions; to nations big and small
that is vested in democratic garments of sovereignty and human dignity and
equal rights for all its peoples. The new nations while they had inherited
centuries of foreign ways, they nevertheless tired to maintain their national
identity in symbols such as statues of their martyrs, national flags and
national anthems and celebrating their history in the birthdays and events that
marked milestones in their political and cultural past. They celebrated
everything local and tried to shape the new nation with images of their
uniqueness. Some big enough to be visible and built and even military power to
show their eagerness to protect this hard earned freedom. Consequently large
amounts of national wealth was spent on these even at the opportunity costs of
feeding the hungry or providing shelter to the marginalized. National dignity
was important and that came from the show of power. This was a downside some
may say but this was how they saw the priorities. This was the new nation
states of the 20th century.
In the present day separated by three or four or even
more generations from those passionate martyrs and social entrepreneurs, the
present youth have no inkling of those past struggles. For most. this day is a
leapfrog moment that leaves the history of those three or four or more generations
behind in hazy or no memory and with only the ways of the colonizers to play
with as they find place in the new national democracies. They only know and
feel for the ways of the colonizers from where they got educated and whose ways
they still attempt to emulate in this cultural and technological state of
If we seek to maintain our nations as possessions to
revere and protect, we need to reconstruct the images of nationalism into a holism that is paradigmatically different from the diversity that signified
our nations of the past. The egalitarianism of culture creed and language and
religion is being shredded and woven again into a wholeness that is signified by
similarity, not diversity. That is perhaps what the neo-colonizer propaganda
calls for. It thus remains for us to ask the question whether we want that in
our heart of hearts or seek to maintain our true identity not as a mere waft of
nostalgia but a five-sense daily reality. Don't answer this in a hurry, and especially
while enthralled and inebriated by the fun and the glitter of the TV screens
and its soap operas, the fake personality world of the facebook, instagram and
twitter. These social media platforms push us into this mixed up mould which
makes us totally like them and where nothing of us remains. Alternatively,
could we ask why don't they become us? Do we ask that question ever? Or are we
just following the pied piper to a faceless future and our cultural doom. If we
want to change, why not attempt to chart another model of development and
modernization? Do we have a mould that cannot be broken? Is it God-sent or
man-made? If we have to courage to rebuild, a re-fabrication will require new
minds; not minds such as those that fabricated the past. This what i would call
Maldives to attempt. New minds and youthful energy is not in short supply, but
we need moral inspiration and the courage to move this way. If we have that
edge, we have the chance of a new moment yet again, to breathe and think and
Lets not bet again for another chance. How many chances should one
get. Already we are too blessed and Providence pokes us again. Let's not lose
this chance to lift ourselves out of the greedy and selfish isolationist
attitudes that seem to have gripped us for the past 10 years as a nation. Let us reframe
our future in knowing what it means to be Maldivian. Let’s again attempt to become
that corner of this world people label as the most peaceful of God’s
sprinklings on earth.
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