“Stronger than all the combined armies of the world is an idea
whose time has come”. Profound as it may seem, these words of wisdom is
timeless and is not tuned to a fact of ideas being big or small, menial or
profound. Its sprouting is just when the time is right.
In the case of this flu epidemic that is raging through
Maldives and our neighbors, it's such a moment to advocate for “prevention is
better than cure”. Surely we have to deal with the part of the cure but it's a
time to reflect and renew our commitment to prevention. For us to be aware that
being healthy is everybody’s business. And everyone can participate and be
effective. Not just to leave it to the physician or the health worker.
Our health system proved it unequivocally in the past and there
is no reason why our health system can't make it happen again -- now in this
present circumstances to institute a responsible system of prevention and
awareness that will be sustainable even after this horrible event is a memory.
It requires us to be serious and make the commitment to attack
the causes of ill health. In this given situation, it is the dirty and
unhygienic personal habits. We need to know how this H1N1 germ (the virus or
bacteria relating to other diseases also) gets into our bodies. How it is
transmitted (yes, believe me, it's not rocket science), and then how to prevent
getting sick.
The germ gets into us through microscopic droplets of body
fluid that come out of the infected person when he/she coughs or sneezes.
Someone else 5 or 6 feet directly from this sick or infected person may easily
inhale the droplets that momentarily abound. Once these and the virus riding in
it gets into our body we say we are infected. But the disease these cause does
not manifest in fevers and similar coughs and body aches etc for about 3 or 4
days. This time-space is called the incubation period of the germ. That amount
of time is needed for the germ to multiply and become a veritable force to the
defense forces of the body we call ‘antibodies’. Since this new entry enemy has
not been witnessed by the body’s present defence forces ever, it takes some
time for them to build the skills needed to challenge the alien forces. Often
the alien germ is much faster in this proliferation than the body forces be
skilled. So we get sick because our forces lose are on the retreat - at least
for the next few days. If we don't get the help of a treatment of some sort the
alien forces will advance further and create havoc in the body. The temperature
would rise, the body aches will begin, and the discomfort of a war going on
inside of us become apparent by our disoriented state of being. Some people
whose energy reserves are good can withstand till help arrives. Others with
“less body immunity” dont have it that easy. Their inner organs a hurt and take
longer to recover or even sometimes die to the enemy’s lethal barrage.
Secondary infections - those that the virus causes indirectrly,
results in opportunities for ambient bacteria to attack also, and we have
secondary infections that we deal with the use of antibiotics. But we don't have to wait for
this to happen. If we take remedial action such as taking panadol or such for
lowering the fever and pain, do mouth-and-throat gargling regularly and inhale
steam three times a day to disloge and expel the phlem that collects along our
trachea and affect the air-sacs of our lungs (which can lead to pneumonia), we
are perhaps in good flow of preventive action. However, advise of a doctor is
wise to have because they may know more tricks on how to reduce our pain and
shorten our suffering.
Yet, the main opportunity we must seek to deal with situations
of impending disease is to take measures for not allowing the germ to enter the
body. Besides the sure-fire way of inhaling the germs from another person’s
immediate spewing droplets, there are three ways the germ can get into our body. One is
through our eyes as when we rub our eyes with contaminated hands. The other is
through the insides of our nostrils as when we poke our infected fingers into
it for dislodging bits of dried snot or relieve an itch. And the third is by
soiled fingers entering the mouth as when we bite our nails or wipe our mouth with
bare palm of our hands and when we eat without washing our hands and so on.
The sure fire way to protect is therefore to frequently and
regularly wash our hands especially when we come home or to office or wherever
after being out in the daily world; establish sanitary habits to prevent entry
of germ through these above mentioned portals of entry to the body from soiled
hands; and then to exercise conscious concern about coughing and sneezing in
public. Please dont cough and sneeze without covering your mouth and nose - not
with your bare hands but with a hanky or tissue. You can also sneeze or cough
into your shirt sleeve or the upper arm or even into the inner crook of your
And this is a wonderful time also for the health authorities to
strike when the iron is hot: to advocate and enforce measures on no spitting
and no smoking in public. These behaviours have inherent dangers that need a
much longer and deeper discussion. Just please believe me and other health
professionals when they say it's dangerous. Much more danger than benefit to
you. You will not look cool when it is time to close your eyes before your
Our concern in this life should not be about our life
expectancy (how many years we want to live), but about our health expectancy
(how productive and healthy these years will be). Therefore, prevention is
always a wiser strategy than cure. All the hospitals in the world cannot make
us healthy if we don’t take responsible steps to keep away from behaviours that
make us sick.
1 comment:
Well said. And just as important to good health is a diet full of fruits and vegetables, limited meat, and limited processed foods to keep our immune systems strong.
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